It’s been a year!
One year ago this day, I was in NYC for the Bistro Awards, celebrating
with dear friends, sharing food in a restaurant, going to the theatre!!
I flew home to LA on March 11th, and the world shut down the next day.
It’s been the strangest year in all of our memories.
Time has moved like an accordion – narrowing and widening.
The one year has felt like three years – and also like three months!
I believe we’ve found gifts amidst the hardships –
and perhaps gotten a better grasp on what truly matters.
Which brings me to this Eine Kleine song – which isn’t a Trunk Song at all,
but a brand new tune, inspired by all that we’ve been through this year.
The lyric is by my darling Amanda McBroom – the music is by me.
We’re warbling together happily in a Zoom duet – mixed and mastered by
Stephan Oberhoff who also added his real live guitar to my sampled tracks.
And the delightful drawing you see is by Charles Grosvenor –
the brilliant director of all of our Land Before Time movies who was kind enough
to collaborate with us once again for this special offering.
I hope this song makes you smile - and dance!!
We’re ready for that, don’t you think?!!!
With much love –