This week, I’m pre-empting “Eine KLeine Tuesday” – we’ll be too busy on November 3rd. Besides, this song came to mind – and I wanted you to have it NOW!
In the mid – 70’s, Karen Gottlieb and I wrote a musical called “The American Foxe” about the first woman president of the United States. Three different groups of Broadway producers optioned the show, yet somehow it never made it to the stage. There were people who insisted that the world was not ready for a woman president. (Unbelievable, right?!)
Karen’s book and lyrics were full of prescient moments, including this one, sung by a nameless and corrupt incumbent president. But these words could come out of any number of current political mouths.
Our early presentations of “AmFoxe” had two brilliant actors as the warring candidates: Amanda McBroom and George Ball. My only recording from then, however, is an old, old cassette that wobbles badly. George was generous enough to make a new recording with me; I thought that during these crazy pre-election days of angst, you might like to hear it.
Lyric: Karen Gottlieb
Music: Michele Brourman
Vocal: George Ball
Video: Wendy Lane Bailey
Vocal recorded by Rob Trow
Engineered and mixed by Stephan Oberhoff